Take Action

Sign the Declaration

Architects Declare believes that firms must lead with a strong message committed to action. If you represent a firm, please sign the declaration. Signatory practices must be engaged in architecture.

We hope that every US architectural practice will join us in making this commitment.

How to sign?

  1. Read the declaration
    Take time to evaluate and ensure that your company or organization is ready to commit to the principals in the declaration, including the mission to transform the practice and culture of architecture.
  2. Start a discussion at your firm
    Through collective power and intersectional understanding change can occur. It takes all of us doing our part.
  3. Sign the Declaration
    To sign and be the main contact for your firm, you must be a principal or partner, or otherwise have the authority to commit your firm as a signatory to US Architects Declare. You cannot sign using an info@ email address.
  4. Become a Signatory
    Congratulations - you’ve taken a leadership position in the practice of architecture and are now a part of the growing commitment to create change.
  5. Get Involved
    Join a working group, attend a signatory gathering or salon. Encourage your staff to join our mailing list and participate as a firm in US Architects Declare's ongoing programming. Together we can collectively work toward change in our practices and how we shape design and the built environment.

Join the Conversation

All built-environment/construction-industry workers are welcome to join US Architects Declare, whether you've signed the declaration or not (including grads, interior designers, students, engineers, building-designers, landscape architects, builders, engineers, planners, etc.).

Sign up for our mailing list here to get invitations to US Architects Declare programming and news about upcoming organizing opportunities.

Sign the Declaration

Architects Declare believes that firms must lead with a strong message committed to action. If you represent a firm, please sign the declaration. Signatory practices must be engaged in architecture.

If you are not in firm leadership, now is the time to encourage your practice to start a robust conversation and take action….


US Architects Declare invites all signatories to become sustaining signatories. Firms that make an annual contribution will help support our work addressing the climate emergency. Individuals are also welcome to contribute. Contributions will support operations and programming activities.

Recommended donations are:

Sustaining signatories will have their name on our signatory list here updated to link to the firm’s website. Sustaining signatories will also be listed in future newsletters. Additional benefits may be added in the future.

For assistance please contact [email protected].