Climate Visualization Resources

Designing for the current and future climate is a crucial step in creating a more just, resilient, and humane built environment. Whether we're optimizing buildings for passive heating and cooling, or investigating the impacts a building might have on the neighborhood around it, an understanding of temperatures, sun and wind patterns, and climate change impacts is key. Energy modeling and data visualization software can generate detailed representations of local climates, but often require fees and advanced proficiency with the tools - not something all designers have access to when making early project decisions. Below is a list of free-to-use resources for accessible, understandable climate visual reference. 


CBE Clima Example
Example outdoor thermal stress graphic from CBE Clima

Adding Human Factors

CVI Example
Climate Vulnerability Index represents vulnerability to climate change related hazards throughout the U.S.

Anticipating Climate Change

Climate Explorer Example
Climate Explorer shows historic and projected data such as annual days over 100 degrees F.